Hosokura Mayumi
Born in Kyoto in 1979, Hosokura Mayumi experiments with photographic imagery to question the boundaries regarded as natural between the organic and the mineral, the human and the animal, the human and the machine, as well as racial or sexual identities. In 2011, she won the FOAM Talent Award for her series Kazan. Her work has been featured in numerous group exhibitions in Japan and abroad, as well as solo exhibitions, notably Walking, Diving (Takuro Someya Contemporary Art, Tokyo, 2023), New Skin (mumei, Tokyo, Japan, 2019) , and Jubilee (nomad nomad studio, Hong Kong, 2017). She has published several books, including New Skin (MACK, 2020), Jubilee (artbeat publishers, 2017), and Transparency is the New Mystery (MACK, 2016). In 2022, she was among the ten photographers highlighted by the exhibition 10/10 Celebrating Contemporary Japanese Women Photographers, organized to celebrate the ten years of KYOTOGRAPHIE.

Mayumi Hosokura, Walking, diving
© Mayumi Hosokura

Mayumi Hosokura, Walking, diving
© Mayumi Hosokura

Mayumi Hosokura, Walking, diving
© Mayumi Hosokura